The Kindness Fix


How to build a more compassionate society, and why it matters.

"A compelling argument for compassion in public policy. Wood explains how everyone would benefit if we, and our elected leaders, had the courage to be kind.” 

Siobhan Benita, activist and kindness advocate

“From the lens of history, a tour de force of the power of compassion to not only change the lives of individuals but to improve the lives of everyone. A must-read for anyone interested in making the world a better place.” 

James R. Doty, Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and author of Into the Magic Shop

"Jason Wood makes the case for giving a damn - clearly, compassionately and cleverly. Just as 104 years ago Tawney wrote of those lacking sufficient compassion: '...they repeat, like parrots, the word "Productivity", because that is the word that rises first in their minds; … When they are touched by social compunction, they can think of nothing more original than the diminution of poverty, because poverty, being the opposite of the riches which they value most, seems to them the most terrible of human afflictions.' Wood talks of 'the absence of a compelling political vision' to do better, to be kind, even though, as Corbyn (the politician most closely associated with kindness worldwide) put it so simply, there is creativity, kindness and laughter in all of us."

Danny Dorling, University of Oxford

"As selfish materialism’s failure becomes increasingly clear, this book explores better directions to take, making a strong case for public policy based on values of compassion and social justice.” 

Peter Beresford OBE, University of East Anglia and Shaping Our Lives

If a measure of our humanity is how we treat the most vulnerable, our report card is bleak. Our politics is divided, people in need are too often treated with cruelty, and the systems we built to support others are creaking. Welfare too often fails, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Yet, the help we give to others can be more effective, more accepted, and more just if we cultivate greater levels of compassion to put it at the heart of public life and potentially resolve these challenges. In this book, Jason Wood reviews the research and talks to experts from across the world to make the moving case for greater compassion in public life.

The Kindness Fix: How and Why We Must Build a More Compassionate Society will be published by Policy Press in November 2024. You can pre-order now from your bookseller or directly from the publisher.